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Jennifer Benz June 12, 2012 1 min read

Vote for Benz! Because everyone deserves great benefits communication

We’re excited to be applying for Chase and Livingsocial’s Mission: Small Business grant with our benefits website product in mind! Help us get one step closer to getting this grant by voting for us.

All employees deserve great benefits communication, no matter what their employer’s budget is. And people want health, wellness and retirement information from their employers. Seventy-five percent of employees use their employers as a source for health info. And 70 percent think their employer is a trustworthy source for health information. Employers are truly in a unique position to help solve some of our country’s biggest challenges.

Unfortunately, effective benefits communication is out of reach for the majority of organizations, because they don’t have the budgets or the resources to invest. Because of this, we’re currently developing a product that will make benefits education accessible to all sizes of companies and get quality health care information to thousands more people. The grant will mean that we can fast-track technology development and invest more in marketing, getting this product off the ground quickly and into the hands of more companies. The funds would be invested in technology development and hiring one or more full-time positions to support the product rollout and sales efforts, ensuring long-term growth and stability by creating the right foundation for rapid growth.

To make this happen, we need your votes! We need 250 votes by the end of June to qualify for the grant. We wish it were as simple to vote as it is to shop on Amazon with their one-click purchase button, but you need to click “Log In & Support” to sign in with Facebook and search for Benz Communications in San Francisco.

Don’t forget to share on Facebook and Twitter. Here’s a message you can use:
Vote 4 Benz! Everyone deserves great benefits communication & they need your help to make it happen. It’s easy to vote:

Thank you!!

Jennifer Benz

Jennifer Benz, SVP Communications Leader, has been on the leading edge of employee benefits for more than 20 years and is an influential voice in the employee benefits industry.