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Jennifer Benz February 21, 2012 1 min read

Health matters to CFOs, survey says. Benefits communication should too.

We know CFOs have increasingly been paying attention to the relationship between benefits and productivity. The IBI’s CFO survey, released this month, confirms this. More than two-thirds of 313 CFOs interviewed believe health is a cultural or financial priority in their organizations. Here are some other key findings:

  • A large share of the 313 CFOs surveyed described poor health as having a significant impact on financial success through factors that influence productivity, such as opportunity costs, sick leave and turnover.
  • CFOs understand that workforce productivity impacts financial performance, with 45 percent calling it one of the most important factors.
  • As to the impact of health on workforce productivity, 30% of CFOs rated health as a very important contributor, with an additional 62% rating it as moderately important.
  • Eight in 10 CFOs reported that they play a role in their organizations’ healthcare benefits decisions.

Read the full survey here.

And when you’re ready to talk to your CFO about why an investment in benefits communication is an investment in your employees’ health and well-being, make sure to have our CFO Infographics on hand. They’ll give you all you need to make your case. You can download them from our free resources page.

Jennifer Benz

Jennifer Benz, SVP Communications Leader, has been on the leading edge of employee benefits for more than 20 years and is an influential voice in the employee benefits industry.